7 Potential Impacts Of Our Retreat

7 Potential Impacts Of Our Retreat

With only a few days to go before the end of our early bird discount (and only a limited number of spots left), we thought that we would share with you the profound impact that our Here and Now Retreat can have on your life: Stress relief and calm on a whole new scale...
Mindful In May

Mindful In May

May is the month of getting your meditation and mindfulness on! Here are a few challenges to motivate you get amongst it (and discover here why it’s worth taking part): Mindful In May Challenge Meditate for at least ten minutes a day every day in May whilst at...
Mental Health Month

Mental Health Month

October has been dedicated in NSW each year to mental health. It is a month of awareness that encourages us all to consider our mental health and wellbeing. With an ever increasing to-do list, devoting our precious time to getting centred often falls lower and lower...