Centred Meditation teaches students and teachers the skills to manage those anxious and overwhelming feelings that students will experience during exam time as well as slow the internal chatter and focus their minds on the task at hand. Effortless Meditation and other mindfulness tools allow students to access that moment of clarity to bring things in to perspective.
Personalised programs tailored to Primary, Middle and Senior school students teach students practical processes that will assist them with reducing fatigue, improving sleep, overall wellbeing, managing emotions, reducing anxiety and stress, increasing concentration and improving classroom behaviour.
Centred Meditation has also facilitates NESA accredited professional development courses for teachers where they will learn D.E.A.B. – a simple breathing technique that improves student social, emotional and cognitive wellbeing – as well master delivering D.E.A.B to their students and learn how to implement and adjust the practice to meet the need of the classroom or the student.
The benefit of D.E.A.B. for the Mental Health of High School Students
NESA accredited Personal Development course
In this two hour course teachers will:
- Learn D.E.A.B. – a simple breathing technique that improves student social, emotional and cognitive wellbeing
- Learn to deliver D.E.A.B. a simple breathing technique that empowers students with a skill to build resilience and improve student outcomes
- Feel confident and capable to plan, implement and adjust the practice to meet the need of the classroom or the student
Benefits of D.E.A.B
- Increases focus & attention;
- Improves learning ability & memory;
- Increases resilience;
- Improves academic performance;
- Decreases feelings of anxiety & stress;
- Enhances mood & emotional stability;
- Increases productivity;
- Heightens creativity;
- Reduces fatigue;
- Enhances ability to process information;
- Improves sleep
Completing ‘Drop Everything and Breathe’:
The benefit of D.E.A.B. for the Mental Health of High School Students’ will contribute 2 hours of NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) Accredited PD in the priority area of Student/child Mental health addressing Standard Descriptor 1.1.2 from the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers towards maintaining Proficient Teacher Accreditation in NSW.
Centred Meditation, along with your school, is giving you and your family complimentary access to all our on-demand and love-streamed effortless meditations sessions and workshops for the duration of your final study period and exams.
Knowing how to meditate is a life-long skill. There is a great deal of scientific evidence to back ip the claims of how meditation improves people’s lives and the numerous positive effects it has on our brains and bodies.
Participation is easy. Simply sign up below and enter the dedicated promo code your school will have forwarded to you (contact us directly if you don’t have a code). Your immediate family members and also invited to individually register and enjoy the journey.


Nikki is the Co-Founder of Centred Meditation. It was while studying Psychology at University when she experienced first hand the visceral effects of stress on her mind and body: constant anxiety, muscle spasms, digestive issues and the list goes on. She stumbled upon Effortless Meditation online and thought it sounded too good to be true! After learning the technique in 2010 she was pleasantly shocked by its immediate effects on all aspects of her life.
Nikki has since spent time in India learning from different meditation masters and Gurus, directed a non-profit organisation, trained as an Ayurvedic Practitioner, and travelled around the world organising, undertaking, and facilitating personal development and leadership programmes.
Nikki is one of the lead instructors of our Teacher Training Courses, Retreats, and Meditation Programs. Her life’s purpose is to empower people to be inspired by their own true greatness and freed up to share it with the world.

Kevin is the Co-Founder and Chief Meditation Officer at Centred Meditation. He reluctantly came to meditation out of desperation to rid himself of the detrimental effects of stress. Years down the track of cumulative benefits, he now dedicates his life to making this untapped resource more accessible to everyone.
Kevin has led and taught thousands of people to meditate through his world-first drop-in meditation studio, Corporate Program Hub and Inner Growth Retreats. He has a unique way of distilling complex intellectual topics into simple practical tools for his students. Kevin’s purpose is to raise the bar of love and affinity and decrease the level of suffering in the world.

A year later we quit our jobs and headed to the region where meditation originated: South Asia. It was a wild journey! From meditating in caves, to living in Ashrams, going on silent retreats, and having teachings with the Dalai Lama and other Gurus, Swamis and Rishis. At some point we realised that whilst all the spiritual knowledge and religious doctrine were fascinating and uber valuable – they simply weren’t required for the meditation itself to work. As modern scientific research dictates, meditation is a simple mental technique that when practiced regularly, has immense physical and psychological benefit to one’s health and wellbeing.
We mused how great it would be if more people like us could access the profound effects that meditation has to offer without the usual misconceptions and barriers that get in the way. Two years later, Centred Meditation was born in June 2015. Since our inception, we’ve hosted thousands of people in our urban sanctuary and are continually pleased by the quick and powerful effects that our Effortless Meditation technique has in their lives.
The Centred Meditation NESA accredited workshop D.E.A.B was an unmissable experience. Not only did I gain new insights into the psychological impacts of stress on teenagers, but I also gained an appreciation of breath as a tool to help alleviate anxiety. Since the workshop ended, I have utilised the DEAB technique in many classes, establishing a space to stop for a minute and breathe. This worked especially well prior to HSC assessments and before speaking activities in class.
The course gave me a calming way to resettle students during distracted afternoon lessons. I also found the discussions between teachers empowering.
Drop everything and get yourself to a seminar.
This session was a powerful experience which I have been able to transfer successfully into my classes. I also loved the collegiality and the sharing of ideas about how to implement this great initiative.
Such a simple strategy yet so incredibly powerful and effective.
The DEAB workshop reminded me of the importance to breathe regularly. The facilitator was passionate about the technique, giving me confidence to utilise it within my classes.