Meditation Myth #4

Meditation Myth #4

Here’s the cold hard truth…YOU really need to mediate. In fact, we all do. The reason is simple: we are stressed. Are we really that stressed? The Australian Psychological Society Survey on Stress and Wellbeing in 2014 discovered that one in four...
Meditation Myth #3

Meditation Myth #3

Meditation is not the same as watching TV. During meditation, a particular physiological response is triggered in the body known as the relaxation response, a term coined by Dr Herbert Benson. The relaxation response is the process of de-escalating the stress response...
Meditation Myth #2

Meditation Myth #2

We need to get something straight here. There is no such thing as a ‘good’ or a ‘bad’ meditator. Thoughts are a very normal part of meditation. Research has shown that forty-seven percent of the time, we are thinking about something other than...
Meditation Myth #1

Meditation Myth #1

The aim of meditation is not, and we repeat, not to think of nothing. Put simply, thinking of nothing just isn’t possible. The very act of thinking implies that your brain is actively engaged in cognitive processes, and nothing implies no thing is happening at...