
We were fortunate at the end of last week to spend two days at the Mindful Leadership Forum immersed in the worlds of both mindfulness and leadership and what that potent combination offers us in this current day and age. Not to mention how lucky we felt to hang out with some of our awesome Centred Meditation guests 🙂

Some of our highlights included: 1) Hearing from Lawrence Levy about his adventures at Pixar with Steve Jobs and how vital it is to marry our capacity for outer mastery with our capacity for inner mastery, 2) Being inspired by Michelle Bousquet from GoPro about her incredible journey losing her 8 month old baby and how important it is to be true to oneself in the workplace, and 3) Being wowed by Dr Heidi Hanna from the American Institute of Stress on how necessary it is to recharge the brain once demand has exceeded capacity.

The forum came at quite a pertinent time, since we have just spent the last few months working together with two experts on a brand new leadership offering for our corporate arm. So we figured it was the perfect time to tell you about it! Our Centred leadership programs stem from the notion that every business possesses a core intention to positively affect people’s lives ‘out there’, often at the expense of people’s lives ‘in here’. Excess stress, poor culture, and ineffective leadership is not only costing Australian business over $10 billion annually, it’s costing Australian people our physical health, emotional wellbeing, and overall quality of life. By developing Centred leaders who focus first on leading themselves (by fostering self-awareness and self-management) before working on leading others (through cultivating empathy and compassion), we are committed to unleashing dynamic companies who’s success isn’t just defined by the strength of their profit, but just as importantly by the strength of their people.

If this kind of program at your company appeals to you, don’t hesitate to get in touch or introduce us to your relevant colleague so we can make it happen. Email info@centredmeditation.com.au 🙂