
You know those weeks when you make it to the weekend and think “Well, that was an unexpected turn of events”? That was us last week! I’ll catch you up…

We hop into bed on Monday night and Kevin mentions that he has a sore stomach. Must be something he ate, we decide. After a disturbed sleep, he wakes up on Tuesday morning and heads into the studio to guide the meditation sessions. I’m coming down with a cold so we decide it’s best that he still goes on. At his routine chiropractor appointment mid-morning, he mentions his discomfort to his practitioner who exclaims it looks like his appendix is inflamed. Next minute, he is in hospital waiting for emergency surgery the next morning. Turns out it is appendicitis!

Add to the mix, I’m looking through my university emails on Tuesday and discover that I haven’t actually completed one of my course units – I somehow missed it when I was enrolling in all of my subjects last year. So I haven’t finished my honours yet after all!!! :O If I had wondered what I was going to do with all my newfound spare time, I now know…

So Kevin is out (literally and metaphorically), I’m running the studio and corporate side of the business whilst mentally preparing to go back to the books and tending after my post-operated upon husband, sick myself. And everything is working out exactly as it is supposed to….because that is just how it is working out. The truth is, there is so much to be grateful for. The fact that Kevin’s appendix didn’t burst and he successfully had it removed without causing too much pain (until the aftermath). The fact that it happened last week and not this week with our Retreat starting on Thursday night! The fact that my Dad is a Doctor and could help navigate all the medical terminology and hospital system. The fact that we have such amazing families that could step in to support. The fact that I found out about my uni subject last week and was able to re-enrol quickly and start this week so I can still finish it before the end of the year. The fact that we now get to be scar buddies (since I had my keyhole laparoscopic surgery six weeks before too).

Last week was a great reminder that sometimes life just doesn’t go to plan. The sooner we accept these changes in expectation (without wallowing in self-pity), the less resistance we feel, and the more effortless life continues to flow. This was a classic case of our 6-8 years of accumulated effects of meditation and mindfulness training in action. So whatever you do…keep meditating 🙂