
Ever met anyone who takes ages to make a decision? They spend hours upon hours weighing up all the different odds, finally deciding on something, and then beating themselves up afterwards for making the “wrong choice”. You might even be such a person….

Well lucky for you, we’re here to help!

Why you should just decide already…

1. It reduces worry and anxiety;
Research shows that making a decision engages the prefrontal cortex in a positive way which reduces worry and anxiety in the process. It also helps overcome striatum activity, which usually pulls us toward negative impulses and routines, as well as calming the limbic system (responsible for emotions).

Great, you’re probably thinking: “If it was that easy, I wouldn’t struggle so much to make a decision”! We sense what’s going on here…you’re attempting to make the “best” decision, right?

2. It makes you feel more in control and calm;
Studies prove that striving for the “best decision” brings an excess of emotional ventromedial prefrontal activity into the decision-making process, whereas recognising that good enough is good enough activates more dorsolateral prefrontal areas, which helps us feel more in control. And in case you didn’t know, a sense of control over a situation helps reduce stress.

3. It feels good;
When we make a decision, dopamine (the pleasure hormone) is increased in the brain. In other words, it feels good to make a decision. Period.

4. It saves energy;
The brain requires energy (in the form of glucose) to function. The more strain we put on our brain (such as constantly being in limbo on a decision), the more mental energy we exert in the process. Consider how exhausted you are after a long day of work on a particular project. We can save so much time and energy by simply making a decision and getting on with it.

Now don’t get us wrong here, we’re not advocating making abrupt and careless decisions. We just advise that you don’t spend undue attention on them. Because at the end of the day, your attention is your most valuable commodity, remember?!

Need a boost? Studies have found that meditation improves decision making skills. So what are you waiting for? Reserve your armchair for this week now 🙂