Blog Videos
What to do with thoughts during meditation
What to do when you fall asleep during meditation
What experiences to expect during meditation
How to still your mind during meditation
What is an anchor during meditation?
What do we mean “you are not your thoughts, you are not your emotions”?
After attending my first guided meditation I noticed a difference. Peace, clarity, focus — is what I’ve found to have really developed since attending on average twice a week for a few months. Each time, the effort to get there is well worth it. Committing has been a simple and easy habit to form, which I’ve found helps mitigate the inevitable stress of the working week. Nikki and Kevin have put a lot of effort and time into creating a comfortable space that is perfectly catered to allow someone working in the city to infuse some peace and clarity into their working week. It’s the perfect mix of private and personal, organised and relaxed, flexible and structured.
I meditate at home regularly, but find it extremely hard working in the city to find space and quiet that allows me to meditate during the day. Centred Meditation has been my lunch time sanctuary, being so close to my office and perfectly timed during lunch to re-centre myself in between my busy day. Since meditating at lunch time I have noticed my morning’s bad mood disappear, my mind clearer and focused through the afternoon, more energy and much calmer when responding to challenging situations. The days that I don’t go to meditation I truly notice a difference in my mood, focus and reactions. The studio is so peaceful and cosy and it’s a great escape when I need some me-time to just breathe and re-group during the day.
Centred Meditation is a truly unique, heartfelt and beautiful practice. When I first walked into the centre I felt immediately at peace and joyful. You could not ask for a more perfect and welcoming environment and group of people. I now look forward to work each day because I know that I will be able to spend a wonderful half hour at meditation. On arrival I am always greeted by the welcoming smile and conversation of Kevin or Kieran, treat myself to the consistently delicious herbal tea, then settle into one of the armchairs with comfy cushion and blanket, to relax my mind, feed my soul and awaken my imagination. I have felt many benefits since starting with Centred Meditation, including feeling more calm, focused and positive at work, dealing with stress and fatigue more easily, and sleeping a lot better.
I love coming to Centred Meditation. It helps bring some calm to my week and work days. Centred Meditation is located walking distance from my office so its a great way to break up the day and gets me away from my desk. After each session I feel refreshed, focused and rejuvenated. I also feel its brought more calm to my life in general. Nikki and Kevin are always so welcoming helping me get settled in and making sure I have some lovely fresh brewed tea before and after my meditation session. The chairs and surroundings of the studio are so awesome and relaxing. Our little city oasis.
Contact us
Location: City Mutual Building (above Rockpool & Spice Temple) Level 10, 66 Hunter Street, Sydney NSW 2000 Phone: 02 8006 1403 Email: