

Easy. Enjoyable. Effective.

Let us guess…

You’ve given meditation a go but always seem to come up with excuses as to why you can’t keep it up:


My mind is too active to meditate.


I just don’t have the time.


I don’t enjoy it.


I don’t know how.


I don’t have the patience for it.


I’m bad at it.


I don’t need it.


It’s not for me.

We hear you!

Nikki had always assumed her mind was too active to meditate and Kevin thought it was hippy nonsense. But then we each gave it a solid go and it completely revolutionised our lives. Nikki’s digestive issues, muscle spasms, and anxiety went away and Kevin’s violent nightmares, anxiety, and headaches dissipated. We were hooked!

So after 8 months of living in Ashrams, meditating in caves, having teachings with the Dalai Lama and other Gurus, Swamis and Rishis, we decided to dedicate our lives to empowering others to gain the profound results from meditation that we had.

There are more than 3000 research studies that give rise to the powerful effects that meditation has, such as:

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg!

Enter: Centred Meditation.

Our vision at Centred Meditation is to give urban professionals a greater sense of calm, clarity, and confidence. Our mission is to make meditation as accessible as possible by lowering all of the barriers that most people tend to have before starting to meditate (like the list of excuses above).

How do we do that, you may ask? First of all, we have an effortless approach to meditation. This means that when you are using our approach correctly, your experience of meditation is really easy, super enjoyable, and highly effective. Add to this the fact that we are 100% secular, totally relatable, and completely committed to you getting the results you come for.

The Centred Meditation Virtual Studio brings our easy, enjoyable, and effective meditation sessions into your home, workplace, and commute.


Extensive timetable to reserve armchairs ahead of time


On-demand meditation to curate your own sessions


Multiple timezones to meditate with our community


Virtual teacher access to ask questions

Most importantly, we empower you to stay accountable to your meditation practice:

View the Timetable

Reserve Virtual Armchair in a Session

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Meditate Online in that Session

Centred Meditation has been an integral part of my daily work life for over two years. It’s hard to express just how significant an impact this commitment has on my life: I am able to focus; to ride through stressful periods with ease; have far greater control and awareness of my emotions, and have deeper relationships with those around me.


Financial Services

The Centred Meditation virtual studio provides sessions I can schedule at my convenience, in the comfort of my home office. It combines an excellent variety of session times with high quality facilitators and has allowed me to continue to reap the rewards of a more centred, calm and purpose-driven state of mind. I encourage anyone looking to experience the benefits of a regular practice to embrace the virtual studio concept.


Financial Services

Centred Meditation has given me a new perspective on how to deal with challenges on a daily basis. The techniques the guys use are simple, it’s very easy to follow the session, and they are always willing to answer questions to help you get the most out of the meditation. The best part is that I can now apply the techniques outside of meditation and feel the difference in difficult situations.


Legal Services

When I’m finding it hard to fit meditation into my day, the virtual studio allows me to fit my day into meditation! It’s great for the days when I need a session but can’t get into the city to meditate in the physical studio. I get to do it from the comfort of my homr or garden in a time block which suits me best.


Legal Services


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