
It turns out that the ‘afternoon slump’ is a real thing!

Each of us have an internal biological body clock. This controls our circadian rhythms, which are physical, mental, and behavioural changes that follow a 24-hour cycle and respond to the level of lightness and darkness in our environment . Amongst other important functions, they determine our sleep/wake cycle, making us alert and tired at different periods of the day. Adults strongest sleep drive is between 2:00-4:00am, and 1:00-3:00pm (this varies person to person), which explains the phenomenon of the afternoon slump!

The good news is that our body clock can be trained!

Here’s how:

  1. Stick to a consistent bedtime and wake-time each day;
  2. Avoid bright lights and electronic screens at least an hour before bed;
  3. Get a dose of sunlight first thing in the morning;
  4. Skip the Snooze button;
  5. Meditate.

Research shows that on average, the level of deep rest we get during Effortless Meditation is even greater than during deep sleep at night! So by meditating in the afternoon, you can skip the slump altogether. You’ll be left feeling energised, focused, creative, and more productive for the rest of your day!